Top Artists
Our most trusted and skilled artists.
How it works
Three simple steps to get the gig booked.
Post a gig
Venues post a gig request to find an artist that fits their needs for their event. Add all event details, schedule and pay information right within the request
Review Offers
Registered artists are notified when a request is posted, and receive a link to view the request. If interested, they request assignment to the gig. Venues are notified of artists requesting the gig. Venues review offers as they come in.
Book your artist
When the venue identifies the perfect artist for their event, they simply assign the gig request to the chosen artist. When the performance is complete, the artist marks the gig complete, then the venue approves the completed gig.
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I’m a venue
Book on a regular basis or just for 1 event? Book an artist directly via their Style, or post a public gig request, get offers, select the artist that qualifies the most.
I am an artist
Register, let venues know what you do by creating Styles, and adding descriptions, and videos to your Styles, get booked directly, or , search public gigs, request public gigs, perform and get paid